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Polish Translator Online

Translate to Polish in Seconds with AI

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    • 30 Fast Credits/day
    • Supports text, document
    • Limit 1,500 characters
    • Upload files up to 10 MB in size
  • Pro Most Popular

    $14.9 /month

    • 30 Advanced Credits/day
    • Unlimited Fast Credits
    • Supports text, document, image, speech
    • Up to 100,000 characters
    • Lightning-Fast translations
    • Upload files up to 100 MB in size
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    • 1v1 Customer Service
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  • Starter

    $7.9 /month
    • Unlimited Fast Credits
    • Supports text, document, image, speech
    • Up to 30,000 characters
    • Lightning-Fast translations
    • Upload files up to 30 MB in size
    • 1v1 Customer Service
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Polish, a West Slavic language of the Lechitic group, is written in the Latin script and spoken primarily by over 40.6 million natives in Poland. It ranks as the sixth most-spoken language in the EU and is characterized by regional dialects, a strict T-V distinction, and a complex system of honorifics. The Polish alphabet extends the standard Latin alphabet with nine specific letters and is notable for its synthetic and fusional structure with seven grammatical cases. Historically a lingua franca in Central and Eastern Europe, Polish has a rich history of influences from Latin, Romance languages, and Germanic languages, contributing to its extensive loanwords and grammatical features.

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know

What is OpenL?
OpenL is an AI-powered translation software that supports more than 100 languages, including English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, French, German, Hebrew, and Indonesian, making it ideal for professional translations. It utilizes AI and machine learning for accurate translations and provides content creation assistance, grammar correction and language learning features.
Is this app free?
OpenL provides 30 trial credits per day for free accounts, which can be used without logging in. To obtain more credits, you can purchase a Subscription account.
How many characters can I translate at once?
You can translate 1,500 characters at a time in the free plan. Need more? Upgrade to the paid plan, which handles up to 100,000 characters per translation.
How many languages does OpenL Translate support?
OpenL Translate provides translation services in over 100 languages, including widely spoken ones like English, Arabic, French, Russian, and Spanish, along with unique languages such as Ancient Greek, Old Norse, Toki Pona, and Emoji. Enjoy fast and accurate AI-powered translations.
Do students get education discounts?
Yes! If you're a student or teacher with an edu email, email us at [email protected] to receive a 30% education discount code.
Can I request a refund?

Subscribers can unsubscribe at anytime, with cancellations taking effect after the current billing cycle ends.

Subscribers are responsible for fully testing our service before ordering a subscription, as refunds are not available for subscribers.

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